
Showing posts from January, 2015

Note to self #2

This is another note to myself 1. If you feel like catching any feelings , stop right there 2. Study hard and pay attention in classes 3. Please overcome your fear 4. Yeah , anxiety sucks 5. Peduli apa orang kata ?  Yang hidup tu kau , bukan diorang 6. Hubungan dengan pencipta , plis jaga 7. Kau , kau . Dia  , dia . 8. Keep smiling 9. Trust me , personality is far more important that looks . 10. Remember , someones out there is caring for you and needs you too keep living


Pindah sekolah ; a thing that never cross my mind before . Tak pernah bayang , tak rasa akan mengalamai pengalaman tu . But yeah , this year i moved into a new school which i prefer not to mention the name here . But one thing for sure , its not as bad as i thought . I can be a new person . But of course the night before ive cried until my head hurts and im feeling nausea . I cried because im afraid if i nobody wants to be friend with me , which is such a childlike thought of mine lol . Alhamdulillah everything went well . All of my classmates are kind to me including the boys . And the programs for the soul are good too compared to my old school . Told you , it was hard for me to decide but alhamdulillah , i asked Allah to guide me thru every path that i took . Hmmmm what else ? Well , there are only 15 students in my class which is very few . And i kinda like it bcs the bond between us is just getting stronger day by day . And today abbas suggested that we buy a water heater so tha