
Showing posts from December, 2014

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sometimes the pain does make your nerves feel numb . it's okay to feel the pain . it makes you a human . tapi kadang kadang bila sakit tu dah terlampau banyak , dah tak terkira kalinya , kau dah tak jadi manusia . it makes you less than an animal . speaking of which , the overdose pain turns you into a heartless person . tak berperasaan . tak berhati . sebab apa ? because you're tired of waking up and the pain is still there and how you wish it will go away . how you wish the pain is temporary . but , no . it last forever . the memories , the bleeding scars , it would be there forever . all wound heals but it never does . it stays and that is the worst part of it . you close your eyes and hoped that the pain will fade away but i'm sorry , it wont . and i'm sorry too , because you can't be sad all the time . life goes on . life doesn't revolves around you . you must get up from whatever that brings you down , that tear you apart , that turn you into a monst

note to self

this is a note to myself . 1. stop being clingy 2. stop hop ing for him to care 3. stop being so stupid  4. kau ingat kau tahu semua benda ke ? 5. kau ingat dia tu punya perasaan macam kau ? 6. kau ingat kau tu penting sangat ke bagi dia ? 7. you're just a dandelion among the roses  8. just stop hoping for him  9. berhenti care pasal orang yang tak care pasal kau 10. stop hurting yourself you idiot 

im just a shooting star .

" I'm just a star in your universe . Not a planet Or a sun  Not even a galaxy alongside you . Just a shooting star you'll soon forget about , But i'm one of a kind  And I refuse to die for your petty wish . " // tumblr
ada masanya kau benci diri sendiri because there are times where you cant even fulfill your own wish and you cant even reach your target . well , aku pun lalu fasa macam tu . to be quite honest , i never got to reach my target for each year , never . and then you got frustrated with yourself . you get depressed and somehow you just stop living . and let me tell you , that's not cool . i feel disappointed with myself . i feel useless , i feel nothing . but then i realize , its not a big deal actually . well because all of my targets are just simple ridiculous . i mean like , to get straight A's . its not like your life depend on straight A's . you wont die just because your result is not good . it doesnt matter actually . rezeki Allah tu kat mana mana . bukan untuk budak aliran sains je . i mean , how people can be so judgemental . kau ingat account stream untuk budak bodoh je ? seriously ?! a few weeks ago , i went to my school-to-be . and the teacher ask me what stre